Morda bom danes malo manj izvirna, ampak že včeraj sem ob pogledu na besedo, ki je na vrsti danes, dobila tole idejo. Med decembrskimi prazniki smo s prijatelji najprej hoteli pogledati kak film, pa se nekako nismo mogli zediniti, katerega. Potem smo se pa hitro zedinili glede nečesa: odprli bomo eno povsem naključno epizodo Prijateljev (seveda imam na računalniku vseh 10 sezon in pogledala sem jih že n-krat). In tako se je zgodilo, bila je neka epizoda iz 4. sezone. Jaz si res ne morem pomagati, ampak ti me vedno, brez izjeme, spravijo v smeh.
#me_nasmejijo. Tudi če epizodo gledam že desetič. In kaj se je potem zgodilo? Pogledali smo še eno in potem še eno in potem sem naslednji dan pogledala še eno in potem zdaj skoraj vsak večer pred spanjem pogledam še kakšno. Kar po vrsti naprej. No, da ne bo pomote, v smeh me spravi tudi marsikaj drugega, ni ga čez dobro (resnično) družbo ljudi, ki jih imam rada. A to je bilo malo lažje slikati, priznam.
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I might be a bit less original today but I had this idea yesterday, as soon as I saw the word for today. During the holidays in December we wanted to watch a movie with my friends but we couldn't agree on which one. But we could agree on something else: to open a completely random Friends epizode (of course I have the whole package on my computer, all 10 seasons and I've watched them like a gazillion times). And so it was, a random epizode from the 4th season. I cannot help but they always, always
#make_me_laugh. Even if I've seen it for the 10th time. And what happened next? We watched another one and again another one and then I watched another one the next day and now I watch one almost every evening before going to sleep. Well, don't get me wrong - there are tons of other stuff that make me laugh, there's nothing like a (real) good company of people you love. But this photo was somehow easier to take, I admit.
#me_nasmeji. #makes_me_laugh |
*Pa še podnapis sem ujela, nasmejijo me spet in spet in spet!
*I managed to catch the perfect subtitle that says: Again and again and again. This is how often they make me laugh.