Interestingly enough, I couldn't find the definition of the word bokeh in almost any dictionary. I was looking, not because I wouldn't know what it means but just out of curiosty. And so that I could paste it here. Finally, I did find it in the Oxford dictionary online:
- bokeh (noun, origin: Japanese): The visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens.
The term comes from the Japanese word "boke" which means "blur". (Thank you, Wikipedia)
And so I decided to try it out. An endless number of tutorials can be found online but the basic idea is simple. The thing I wanted to try out is to make a custom-shaped bokeh. And well, one of the easiest shapes to cut out, but also one of the cutest, is a little heart. And that's what Kristina did!
The best lenses for bokeh experiments are prime lenses but as I don't have one (yet), my 18-55mm had to suffice. The important thing is that your aperture is as wide open as possible. And of course the focus has to be manual so you can shoot with the blurry effect.
I was in my room, I turned off the main light and used some flower-shaped colorful lights I bought when I was studying in France (OK, I know this is not really important for the story...). Any kind of Christmas lights will do. Curious about the result? Here it is:
I know it's far from being perfect but hey, it was my first attempt. I also didn't have very good scissors to cut out the heart so you can see the rough edges on the picture. I then tried it without the paperboard "cap" and I must say I find the results even better!
Next time I'll try out something more complicated! Stay tuned.
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Zanimivo, ko sem iskala razlago za besedo "bokeh" v angleških slovarjih, je skoraj nikjer nisem našla. Pa ne zato, ker ne bi vedela, kaj pomeni, ampak zgolj iz radovednosti. In da bi jo potem lahko prilepila sem. V slovenskih slovarjih se je niti nisem trudila iskati. Potem pa sem jo le zasledila v Oxfordovem slovarju na spletu. Bokeh je termin, ki izvira iz japonske besede "boke" (zamegljen, moten), pomeni pa predel fotografije (tudi način fotografiranja), ki ni izostren, s čimer fotografiji damo nek poseben čar. Lahko je cela neizostrena, lahko pa samo del nje.

Najboljši objektivi za bokeh eksperimentiranje so fiksni, recimo 50 mm objektivi, ki omogočajo široko odprto zaslonko, ampak ker sama takega (še) nimam, je moral zadostovati moj 18-55 mm objektiv. Pomembno je le, da sem kar se da odprla zaslonko, in seveda nastavila na ročno ostrenje, da sem potem lahko "škljocala" pri neizostreni sliki.
Bil je večer, v sobi sem ugasnila vse luči, razen majhnih lučk v obliki rožic, ki sem si jih kupila med študijem v Franciji (vem, za zgodbo povsem nepomemben podatek). V poštev pač pridejo kakršne koli božične lučke, ki jih dajemo decembra na smrečice. Vas zanima rezultat? Tadam!
Vem, da rezultat še zdaleč ni popoln, ampak to je bil šele moj prvi poskus! Poleg tega nisem imela prav dobrih majhnih škarij, zato lahko na srčkih zgoraj vidite neravne in nazobčane robove. Poskusila sem fotografirati še brez kartonaste "čepice" in nazadnje mi je bilo to skoraj bolj všeč kot srčki.
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