S projektom 365 fotografij v 365 dneh sem v takem zaostanku, da bom potrebovala veliko, ampak res veliko navdiha naenkrat, če bom želela to poletje zamudo nadoknaditi. Ampak bom! Vmes pa tale fotografija, ki mi jo je uspelo posneti nekega večera, kje drugje kot na Bledu! Poletje je v zraku (čeprav vreme nekaj štrajka ...).
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I am so extremely behind schedule for my '365 photos in 365 days' project that I'm going to need A LOT of inspiration at once if I want to catch up before the end of summer. But I will! In the mean time, here's a photo I managed to take during a lovely evening in Bled, Slovenia. Summer is in the air (even though the weather doesn't seem to admit it...).
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