ponedeljek, 21. april 2014

110. dan. Day 110.

20. april

Lepo #urejena, po barvah.

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Neatly #in_order, according to their colour.

109. dan. Day 109.

19. april

Tokrat sem se odločila za pogumen #korak - sama speči mojo najljubšo, pehtranovo potico!
Mimogrede: odlično je uspela. Mogoče enkrat kasneje podelim še recept.

~ ~ ~

I decided to take a big #step - to bake tarragon potica which is my favourite potica.
By the way: I did a great job! Maybe I'll share the recipe some time later.

108. dan. Day 108.

18. april

Tako je majcen, da se lahko skrije v mojo #dlan.

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He's so tiny he can hide in my #hand.

107. dan. Day 107.

17. april


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104. dan. Day 104.

14. april


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101. dan. Day 101.

11. april

#Končno je bil konec tedna in čas za možgane na off in piknik ob Savi!

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#Finally, weekend came and with it enough time for switching my brain to the 'off-mode'. And for a picnic by the river!

100. dan. Day 100.

10. april

Pri nas doma smo dobili naraščaj, nakar sem kar na Facebooku objavila #ponudbo, da oddamo tri majhne mucice. Se razume, ko bodo dovolj stare. Vse tri so že rezervirane!

~ ~ ~

Those little kittens were born at the beginning of April and I used Facebook to pubish an #offer saying we give away three little kittens. When they are old enough of course. The three of them are already taken!

99. dan. Day 99.

9. april

Bilo je le dan po mojem rojstnem dnevu in morala sem slikati tale šopek, ki mi je bil #podarjen.

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It was only a day after my birthday and I had to take a picture of this buquet #offered to me the day before.

98. dan. Day 98.

8. april

#dvignjen nad Ljubljano.

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#lifted above Ljubljana.

94. dan. Day 94.

4. april


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93. dan. Day 93.

93. dan ali 3. april (joj, kako grozen zaostanek sem si nakopala ...)

Zelena (tista naravna) je najboljša barva za #odklop od norega sveta.

~ ~ ~

Green (the natural one) is the best colour for a #disconnection from the crazy world.

#odklop #disconnection

nedelja, 6. april 2014

96. dan. Day 96.

Včasih je treba le dobro pogledati, malo levo, malo desno, #ob_strani nas zna kaj presenetiti.

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Sometimes, you just have to take good look to left or to the right, something might surprise us #by_the_side.

95. dan. Day 95.


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92. dan. Day 92.


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91. dan. Day 91.


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90. dan. Day 90.


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89. dan. Day 89.

Kar tako, na #sredini poti.

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Just like that, in the #middle of the road.

87. dan. Day 87.


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84. dan. Day 84.


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