petek, 28. februar 2014

58. dan. Day 58.

Eden mojih najljubših ... #Berem.

~ ~ ~

One of my favourites... #I_read.

#berem. #I_read.

57. dan. Day 57.

Če kuhaš samo zase in kupiš stvari, zapakirane v embalažah za več kot eno osebo, potem pač naslednji dan izvedeš #ponovitev kosila prejšnjega dne ...

~ ~ ~

If you're only cooking for yourself and you buy food in packages for more than one person - next day, you just prepare the #repetition of previous day's lunch.

#ponovitev. #repetition.

sreda, 26. februar 2014

torek, 25. februar 2014

55. dan. Day 55.

Čisto navaden dan in navadna popoldanska kavica, ki pa je bila kljub vsemu malo bolj #posebna.

~ ~ ~

A usual day and a usual afternoon coffee that was neverthelless a bit more #special.

#poseben. #special.

ponedeljek, 24. februar 2014

Od 47. do 54 dne. Day 47 to day 54.

Takole, malo me je zdelala bolezen, malo sem bila na poti ... Pa je šel cel teden mimo, jaz pa nisem objavila še nobene fotke. Zato sem jih zbrala kar v kolažu, ki bo lepo zaokrožil moj minuli teden, ki je bil (kljub vročini, bolečemu grlu in puščajočemu nosu) naravnost fantastičen.

Najprej #senca, zatem z mosta čez Seno zrem v nekaj #tam daleč. Medtem ko je bilo na obali ves čas več kot 10 stopinj, je na severozahodu Slovenije snežilo kot za stavo in bilo dosti, dosti bolj #mraz! Na koledarčku sem si že pred mesecem dni "zacahnala", da se #petnajst-ega odpravljam v Pariz. Preden sem šla, sem vrata #varno zaklenila s svojimi ključi, ki jih čuva ljubka Vietnamka.
Pred nekaj leti smo si doma omislili limono. Rastlino, grm limono. Potem je pa neke zime strašno opešala, izgubila vse liste in bili smo že prepričani, da je umrla. Mami je jo je že hotela vreči proč, ko je opazila majcene poganjke. Tako je, limonca je bila #živa in leto bomo želi njene prve sadove!
#Ko_odrastem, bom (mogoče) le dobila tisto službo in potem mogoče domov hodila čez tale trg v Bruslju.
In le kdaj bi bil človek bolj #srečen kot takrat, ko v prijetni družbi dragih prijateljev srka čaj in odpira globoke pogovore ...

~ ~ ~

First, I was travelling then I got sick and so the whole week passed before I managed to upload a single photo. So I decided to make a collage of them that will neatly represent the past week which was (despite the feever, soar throat and runny nose) simply fantastic.

First of all, there's the #shadow, then I am standing on a bridge over the Seine looking at something that's #there far away. While it was warm all the time at the coast, the north-west of Slovenia was covered in snow and it was much much #cold-er. I made a note on my calendar a while ago that I am travelling to Paris on the #fifteen-th. Before I went there, I #safe-ly locked the door with my keys guarded by a lovely Vietnamese girl.
A few years ago, we bought a lemon tree. But then there was a cold winter and we thought it died. My mum wanted to throw it away when she noticed tiny little sprouts. That's right, the lemon was very much #alive and this year, we're going to taste its first fruits!
#When_I_grow_up, I will (maybe) get that job and maybe I will be going home from work accross this Brussels square.
And when else one is real #happy than when they spend time with dear close friends sipping tea and having deep conversations...

ponedeljek, 17. februar 2014

46. dan. Day 46.

Tole pa v #spomin na krasen mesec izmenjave v Bruslju z  najljubšo sošolko s faksa.

~ ~ ~

This one is in #memory of the wonderful month of exchange in Brussels with my favourite college classmate.

#spomin. #memory.

43. dan. Day 43.

Ta neprestan dež, očitno ne glede na evropsko mesto, v katerem se nahajam, me je skorajda pripeljal do #roba živčnega ...

~ ~ ~

The constant rain, in apparently no matter which European city I go to, almost brought me to the #edge of a nervous...

#rob. #edge.

45. dan. Day 45.


~ ~ ~


#romantičen. #romantic.

44. dan. Day 44.

#Kriva sem, popustila sem pod dišečim pritiskom in si v Bruslju privoščila svež vafelj ...

~ ~ ~

I am #guilty, I cracked under nice-smelling pressure and treated myself with a waffle in Brussels...

#kriva. #guilty.

42. dan. Day 42.


~ ~ ~


#oster. #sharp.

ponedeljek, 10. februar 2014

41. dan. Day 41.

#Zelen. Da česa pomembnega ne pozabim.

~ ~ ~

#Green. Helps me not to forget important stuff.

#zelen. #green.

nedelja, 9. februar 2014

40. dan. Day 40.

Če morda do danes še ni bil, bo pa odslej vsekakor. #Legendaren Peter Prevc z legendarnim skokom.

~ ~ ~

If he wasn't until now, he definitely will be from now on. #Legendary Peter Prevc with a legendary jump winning Slovenia's first olympic medal in Sochi 2014.

#legendaren. #legendary.

*Morda slika nima visoke umetniške vrednosti, je pa njena čustvena vrednost toliko večja.
  The picture might not have a high artistic value but its emotional value is that much higher.

39. dan. Day 39.

Tam nekje na skrajnem severozahodu Slovenije je padal #mehek, mehek sneg.

~ ~ ~

Somewhere in the far northwest of Slovenia a #soft soft snow was falling.

#mehek. #soft.

38. dan. Day 38.

#Drugačen je kul.

~ ~ ~

#Different is cool.

#drugačen. #different

četrtek, 6. februar 2014

37. dan. Day 37.

#Odklon? Drugačno od normalnega, običajnega. 

~ ~ ~

A #deviation? Different from the usual, the normal.

#odklon. #deviation.

36. dan. Day 36

#Manipulacija. Mja ...

~ ~ ~

#Manipulation. Yeah...

#manipulacija. #manipulation.

sreda, 5. februar 2014

35. dan. Day 35

Všeč mi je ideja kratkih #misli iz knjig, ki si jih lahko vzameš ob odhodu iz Konzorcija.

~ ~ ~

I love the idea of short #thoughts from books you can take at the exit of the Konzorcij bookstore.
[The translation of the words on the card goes: Books are full of beautiful thoughts. This one is for you!]

#misel. #thought.

34. da. Day 34

#Svetloba, ujeta v led.

~ ~ ~

#Light caught in ice.

#svetloba. #light.

torek, 4. februar 2014

33. dan. Day 33.

Malo zmede sem vnesla v te zadnje dneve in fotografije, nekaj je bilo posnetih na Primorskem, nekaj v Ljubljani ... Zdaj pa je šele čas za njihovo objavo. #Tu_stojim 2. februarja in gledam, kako pada dež.

~ ~ ~

There's some confusion these last few days with my pictures, some of them were taken in Ljubljana, others on the coast... And finally it's time to post them. #Here_I_stand on February 2nd watching the rain fall.

#tu_stojim. #here_I_stand.

32. dan. Day 32.

#jaz_danes sem samo vesela, da imam elektriko in topel dom, česar mnogi Slovenci ta trenutek nimajo. Ko grem ven, imam pa topel šal in kapo!

~ ~ ~

#me_today is very happy to have electricity and a warm home which is more than I can say for so many Slovenians at the moment. And when I go out, I have a warm scarf and a hat!

#jaz_danes. #me_today

31. dan. Day 31.

Najbolj sem vesela, ko od nekoga, ki je potoval v #tuje dežele, dobim razglednico! No, z veseljem jih tudi sama pošiljam in ... včasih pošljem kakšno tudi sama sebi. Ali pa jo prinesem v kovčku domov in jo imam za spomin.

~ ~ ~

I am so happy when someone who travelled to #foreign countries sends me a postcard! I also like sending them and... Sometimes I send one to myself as well. Or I buy one and bring it home in my suitcaise. As a souvenir.

#tuje. #foreign.

30. dan. Day 30.

#modra je pač ena mojih najljubših barv. Vse od turkizno, zeleno-modre do temno modre, skoraj črne.

~ ~ ~

#blue is one of my favourite colours. Anything from turquoise, greenish blue to dark, almost black blue.

#modra. #blue.