petek, 10. januar 2014

365 dni, 365 fotografij / 365 days, 365 photos

Tiste novoletne zaobljube, ki so moreče in že itak veš, da se jih ne boš dolgo držal, so brezveze.
Kaj, če bi se lotila take, ki se je bom veselila, in bo v vsak moj dan vnesla pridih umetniškosti?

Naletela sem na tale nadvih, ki me je povsem navdušil, in odločila sem se, da se pridružim! Eno leto, vsak dan ena fotografija! Malo zamujam, a kaj je deset dni v primerjavi s tri stopetinšestdesetimi! ;)


Those new year resolutions that make you grumpy and you already know you won't be able to stick to them for a very long time are stupid.
What about a new year resolution I can look forward to and can bring an artistic touch into every day of this year?

I came across this inspiration and I got really excited about it and... decided to join! It seems very simple: one year, one photo for every day! I am running a bit late but what's ten days compared to three hundred and sixty five? ;)

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Fotografija za deseti dan leta (in moja prva): #resnično 
Kaj je resnično? Resnično bi že lahko pospravila božično smrečico in okraske poslala na zimsko-pomladansko-poletno-jesensko spanje do naslednjega božiča.


The photo for the tenth day of this year (and my first one): #real
What is real? I could really put away the Christmas tree and send these lovely Christmas decorations to their winter-spring-summer-autumn rest until next holiday season.

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