sreda, 21. maj 2014

Barve 136. dne. Colours of the 136th day.

Bil je resnično siv, #brezbarven dan.

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It really was a gray, #colourless day.

Radovednost 135. dne. Curiosity of the 135th day.

Kdo je najbolj #radoveden?

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Who's the most #curious of them all?

Voda 134. dne. Water of the 134th day.

Brez #vode nikomur živeti ni.

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Nobody can live without #water.

Zvoki 133. dne. Sounds of the 133rd day.

#šumeč detajl iz Ljubljane.

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A #rustling detail from Ljubljana.

Vreme 127. dne? Weather on the 127th day?

Če pada #dež in je dan siv, si ga je pač treba popestriti z dežnikom živih barv, recimo rdeče.

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If the #rain is falling and the day is gray you have to make it more interesting with a colorful umbrella. Red for example.

Zvok 126. dne. Sound of the 126th day.

Eden najlepših zvokov je #zvok morja, ki šumi ob obali.

~ ~ ~

One of the most beautiful sounds is the #sound of the sea humming on the shore.

torek, 20. maj 2014

Razdalja. Distance.

Včasih pride prav tudi tale napravica, pa ne zato, ker pove #razdaljo, ampak zato, ker pove, kdaj je treba kam zaviti (in ne zaviti).

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Sometimes a gadget like this is pretty useful. Not because it tells you the #distance but because it tells you when to make a turn (or not).

124. dne v Ravenni. On the 124th day in Ravenna.

To je bila #luč v kavarni-slaščičarni, ki nam je nekega majskega jutra v Ravenni ponudila zajtrk: caffelatte in mini pita z gozdnimi sadeži.

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This was the #light at a caffetteria-pasticceria that offered us breakfast one morning in May in Ravenna: caffelatte and a tiny berry pie.

Detajl. Detail.

Še en #detajl iz Ravenne. To je bil 123. dan.

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Another #detail from Ravenna. This was the 123rd day.

Tu stojim v maju. Here I stand in May.


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Jaz_danes v maju. Me_today in May.

Ugotovila sem, da je veliko lepše, če v naslovu napišem temo za fotografijo, kot pa da ves čas pišem številke. Je bil pa to 1. maj oziroma 121. dan fotografiranja. #Jaz_danes.

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I realized it's much better if I write the subject of the photo in the title instead of putting numbers there all the time. however, this was 1st May i.e. the 121st day of photographing. #Me_today.

116. dan. Day 116.

26. april

Na #lovu za zgodovino in zanimivostmi v Fellinijevem Riminiju.

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#hunting history and curiosities in Fellini's Rimini.

120. dan. Day 120.

30. april


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118. dan. Day 118.

28. april


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115. dan. Day 115.

25. april

Posebno nagrado za #hitrost si je tokrat prislužil veter v San Marinu!

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And special prize for #speed goes to the wind in San Marino!

117. dan. Day 117.

27. april


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114. dan. Day 114.

24. april


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112. dan. Day 112.

22. april


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113. dan. Day 113.

23. april


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