nedelja, 30. marec 2014

80. dan. Day 81.

#čas_zame ... in mojo mami.

~ ~ ~

#time_for_me... and my mum.

81. dan. Day 81.

To je bila pa moja današnja #zbirka. No, pravzaprav je bila na koncu veliko večja, fotografija je bila posneta šele na začetku.

~ ~ ~

This was my #collection of the day. Well, actually it was much bigger, the photo was taken at the beginning of the journey.

#zbirka. #zbirka.

73. dan. Day 73.

Včasih, obrambni stolp, danes razgledna #točka.

~ ~ ~

Once upon a time, it was a defence tower, today, it's a view #point.

#točka. #point

69. dan. Day 69.


~ ~ ~


sobota, 29. marec 2014

88. dan. Day 88.

Moji #najljubši.

~ ~ ~

My #favourite.

83. dan. Day 83.

#Hvala organizatorjem, da so tudi letos ob petkih uvedli Odprto kuhno v Ljubljani! Tokrat sem izbrala falafel.

~ ~ ~

#Thank_you, organisers of Odprta kuhna (Open kitch'n)* in Ljubljana! This time, I chose falafel.

#hvala. #thank_you.

* Odprta kuhna is a kind of a food market taking place every Friday in the centre of Ljubljana where all kinds of restaurants present themselves and offer their food to passers-by. You can find anything from traditional Slovenian to Persian, Asian, Mexican... food. Heaven for foodies!

82. dan. Day 82.

#lasje v vetru.

~ ~ ~

#hair in the wind.

#lasje. #hair.

76. dan. Day 76.


~ ~ ~


75. dan. Day 75.

A lahko še malo #več, prosim?  

~ ~ ~

Can I have some #more, please?

#več. #more.

79. dan. Day 79.


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78. dan. Day 78.


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74. dan. Day 74.


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72. dan. Day 72.


~ ~ ~


71. dan. Day 71.

Dolgo, dolgo je že tega, odkar sem objavila zadnjo sliko. Več kot dva tedna. Nekatere slike sem posnela pravočasno, pa ni bilo časa za objavo. Druge pa še čakajo na pravi trenutek, navdih in dovolj časa. Zato bo zdaj sledilo malo bolj neurejeno objavljanje s pomešanimi številkami. Naslednjih nekaj slik je navdihnila ljubljena Ljubljana.


~ ~ ~

It's been a long, long time since my last photo was posted. More than two weeks. Some of the photos were actually taken on time, there was just not enough time for posting them. Others are still waiting for the right moment, inspiration and enough time. So - what follows is a disorganised way of posting with mixed up numbers. Some of the photos I am posting next were inspired by the beloved Ljubljana.


#simetrija. #symmetry.

torek, 11. marec 2014

70. dan. Day 70.

Tisti večni ženski problem oziroma kar #frustracija. Polna omara oblek, jaz pa nimam kaj obleči!

~ ~ ~

That eternal women's problem, a real #frustration. Wardrobe full of clothes but I have nothing to wear!

#frustracija. #frustration.

ponedeljek, 10. marec 2014

68. dan. Dan 68.

Moja #muza in vir inspiracije so jeziki ...

~ ~ ~

My #muse and my source of inspirations are languages...

#muza. #muse.

67. dan. Dan 67.

Najboljši so tisti ljudje, ki znajo drugim narisati #nasmeh na obraz.

~ ~ ~

The best people are those who can draw a #smile on other people's faces.

#nasmeh. #smile.

sobota, 8. marec 2014

66. dan. Day 66.

Najboljše je, ko smo #skupaj. In ko nismo, so slike za spomin.

~ ~ ~

When we're #together, it's the best. And when we're not, there are pictures to remind us about it.

#skupaj. #together.

65. dan. Dan 65.


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#dar. #gift.

64. dan. Day 64.

Skoraj #prikrita, a če dobro pogledaš, je tam. Spominčica, ta krhka znanilka pomladi. 

~ ~ ~

Almost #hidden but if you look carefully, it's there. Forget-me-not, this fragile harbinger of spring.

#prikrita. #hidden.

63. dan. Dan 63.

Včasih, ko sem bila še majhna, je bila #glasba tole. No, saj je še zdaj, ampak z vintidž vinil pridihom.

~ ~ ~

Once, when I was a child, #music was this. Well, it still is music but with a vintage vinyl touch...

#glasba. #music.

62. dan. Day 62.


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#gor. #up.

61. dan. Day 61.

V roke sem vzela globus in ga vrtela in vrtela ... Kam, le kam me bo odneslo naslednjič? Ta trenutek pa #stojim in sem tu, v dragi Sloveniji.

~ ~ ~

I was holding a globe and was spinning it around... Where, oh where will I go next? Well, for the moment #I_stand and I am here, in my dear Slovenia. 

#tu_stojim. #here_I_stand.

60. dan. Day 60.

Mami je zdaj že nekajkrat kupila med pri neki gospe na tržnici, ki je naravnost #nebeški!

~ ~ ~

A few times already, my mum bought a pot of honey from a lady at the market and this honey, folks, is #heavenly!

#nebeški. #heavenly.

sreda, 5. marec 2014

59. dan. Day 59.

Nov mesec je tu in nov čas za #jaz_danes. In ker je bil prvega marca pust, sem tu jaz v pustni izvedbi!

~ ~ ~

A new month is here and it's time for the new #me_today. And because the first of March was carnival time (which is huge in Slovenia, by the way!) - here's me in the carnival edition!

#jaz_danes. #me_today.